Enter the.art_Club

3 min readOct 10, 2021

Membership in exchange for exclusive artist drops and unique environments, and much more

the.art_Club is our membership area and main focus. There are 2500 mint-able NFTs for 0.05 Ethereum each. We will outline our benefits in this article; join our discord community if you have further questions.

Smart contract center: create your NFT contracts
Individual VR rooms: exclusive access to VR settings
on_Sound jam sessions: explore new artists and hang out with friends
artist_Drops: get your hands on up to 3 drops (gas only) a month
Free entry to our on_Chain collaborations

We offer three different membership levels depending on how many memberships you hold; Smart contract center, individual VR rooms, and free entry to our collaborations are included in each membership tier.

Level 1 (1 membership NFT): 2500 supply collections & on_Sound drops
Level 2 (3 membership NFTs): Level 1 & access to 800 supply collections
Level 3 (5 membership NFTs): Level 1 & 2; 1/1 drops; eligible for previous unminted artwork

You will have access to different-sized collections. Whether you want to use only our features and get large-sized drops or if you are here for more exclusive collections, the decision is up to you!

First, a set of generic rooms will be accessible to everyone for free. You can showcase your art or music collection in a high-quality environment. Everything is included, from a fancy Steampunk gallery or a nature setting, AR to VR, on your browser or with HTC/Oculus VR headset. There are no limits.

the.art_Club Membership includes individual premium showrooms, new artist drops, full access to onSound music NFTs and much more.

Individual premium showrooms: if you hold a membership NFT and for example, a Fidenza or a Punk, you will have access to an environment designed to match your collection regardless of its size or combination. Every virtual environment can be equipped with your music, collection, and an editable design/layout.

artist_Drop will happen multiple times a month. To begin with, we will decide on the frequency depending on membership level distribution. Only our members will be able to get the collection without any other cost besides gas fees. We will design an exhibition environment with each artist to fully match their creation, including a soundtrack (NFT, of course). We then host a virtual meet and greet and showcase some of the artist’s work. The maximum collection size will be limited to a range between 800 and 2500. It includes generative art as well as pfp NFTs. Unclaimed pieces will be made accessible to all members after a certain period. Depending on the collection size, we will mint 1–5 pieces to showcase permanently in our non_fungible.art gallery. For this purpose, we mint and keep five memberships.

The reason for us minting the collection is to promote the artist/collection after the drop. Members will have access to the collection, the soundtrack, and a section of the designed room to use as they wish.

Pudgy Penguin owner: @itmemushy

on_SOUND jam sessions will take place online and exclusively for our members. Artists can present their NFT music and get exposure. The audio NFT will be mintable for free to our members afterward, but unlike visual art drops, there is no limit of 2500. It will be accessible to the public for a set price.

the.art_Club is where artists and collectors meet to celebrate new creations and preserve them together. We are creating an ecosystem for virtual art, which will increase adoption and use-cases for NFTs.

What’s next for non_fungible.art?

We will showcase our VR rooms in the coming weeks, create sample exhibitions with established projects, and more. The first drop will happen two weeks after mint. Meanwhile, you can join us on discord and follow us on Twitter!


Together we preserve_

Together we create.

We are art._




We create a home for NFT artists and collectors. Follow us for more updates on our development. https://nonfungible-art.net/